Brothers And Sisters/Companeros Y Companeras,

My autobiography, Walter Pietsch: Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary, is a MUST- READ FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! Why? Not only because it makes very interesting reading, written like I’m sitting down having a cup of coffee across the table from you, but most importantly because THE VISION IT CONTAINS, WHEN IMPLEMENTED WITH YOUR HELP, WILL TRANSFORM OUR COUNTRY INTO A CARING DEMOCRACY, RUN BY THE PEOPLE.

Here’s what some folks are already saying about it and my activism…

STEPHANIE (she is a young woman who works in Dunkin Donuts, Brentwood Road, Brentwood, New York): "Walter, when I read Chapter Eight, I have to tell you it was hotter than Fifty Shades Of Grey! Then, I read the whole book, and I loved it! So, I gave it to my Mom to read. She did, and she loved it! Now, she gave it to my Grandma to read!”

DENISE (Nurse’s Aid, Maria Regina Residence, Brentwood, New York): “Your writing style is so interesting to read. I really like the way you’ll start on a subject, and then sometimes jump to something you want the reader to know about right then and there, just like you’re talking to us!”

DR. JEFFREY LEONARDIS (Board Certified Cardiologist and Internist, Garden City): “Walter, your writing style is fantastic! You really know how to write! Even though I’m conservative in my political views and don’t agree with everything you say, I respect you and what you have done!”

CHARLES FERRARA (Vietnam Veteran who was on a rooftop in Saigon when the Tet Offensive broke out): “As I was walking across the floor while in Winthrop Hospital, Mineola, Long Island, in a bed next to his father, Charles, Sr: Walter, please be careful how you walk; the world needs you!” Charles made this comment before he read my book, but after getting to know me and my views. His brother, Paul, already bought my book.

And on the literary side…

MAXWELL CORYDON WHEAT, JR . (First Poet Laureate, Nassau County, New York): “Walter Pietsch (writes) . . . in a robust, rough-hewned style that keeps the reader fixed on this story. . . Human interest . . . makes this . . . a brilliant read! (The book) is (an) entertaining . . . window into the people of contemporary American history.”

ED ASNER (actor/activist; member, Foundation for Democracy): “. . . a fighter for the right things that occupy our lives and are usually ignored.”

CORA SANTAGUIDA (2012 CT Green Party candidate for Board of Education, Stamford; member, PoemAlley: "Walter Pietsch: Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary was a great experience. Pietsch addresses issues that many would avoid... with courage, know-how and grace. This thoughtful autobiography emanates passion alongside great moments of tenderness. Walter Pietsch's words educate and inspire."

SO FOLKS, WHAT’S IT ABOUT? Love, sex, caring, golf, God, the soul, current events and what’s really going on and what’s wrong with things--and a simple, non-violent vision which, when implemented, will change everything for the better for all of us--except those who are multi-millionaires and billionaires (the 1% ers).

HOW DO I GET IT? Available at $10 a copy (plus $4 shipping), Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary is available below through Paypal.

… And don't forget to explore this blog and the sections on the right to find out more about Walter’s views, activities and relevant current events!

Now Available:

Now Available:

By Walter Pietsch

Walter shares in "Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary" humorous and moving lessons from childhood, military service, the workplace—and the putting green, that have shaped a lifetime commitment to social/political justice. En route to taking three suits against the government for war crimes, Walter recounts his meeting Anita, his wife of thirty years. Now available at $10 per copy in a 390-page updated edition, "Peaceful Revolutionary" details his Program for Expanding Democracy and near-arrest during the Hofstra University presidential debate on Long Island. Please click the button below to order directly.

Dedications To American Political Prisoners

from Walter Pietsch: Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary--Updated 2013 Edition (see "Books by Walter Pietsch")


A truly courageous, very patriotic young man, PFC Bradley Manning has already illegally and unforgivably been forced to sacrifice many years of his young life for living his ideals. I and my friends in ARISE and elsewhere believe those ideals want our country to be open and honest and not hurt, wound, kill or otherwise oppress anyone anywhere, including Iraq and the rest of the world. 

If in fact Bradley did disseminate information to Wikileaks in the hope that the world would be made aware of the evil/cruel deeds being committed by the United States in Iraq, without our admittedly knowing all of the details, we believe he committed a truly heroic, non-violent act.

Almost always, when the truth is "outed", only good can come from it. When the truth is hidden, it usually means those doing the hiding are doing something wrong, often something terribly wrong, and NO ONE SHOULD HELP  THEM TO COVER UP THEIR CRIMES.  THAT is the CRIME - NOT what Bradley did, God bless him!

Since the actions Bradley is accused of were initiated to champion truth, justice and WHAT SHOULD BE (BUT ISN'T YET!) the American way, in the year 2013, I  will be requesting that my brothers and sisters, companeros y companeras in ARISE nominate Bradley Manning to receive our OUTSTANDING HUMANITARIAN AWARD!


After reading that Lori Berenson was being allowed to visit her parents, Mark and Rhoda, my wife, Anita, wrote the Peruvian Consul in New York to show mercy and commute Lori's senence to "time served" since she had already spent fifteen years in jail in Peru for a "crime" that didn't involve killing or huirting anyone. Anita is still awaiting Peru's reply.
Some of you may know that Lori, a young woman and journalist, has been jailed in Peru for several years, supposedly for aiding a guerilla movement by drawing up plans of a building they intended to take over. She was not accused of killing anyone or threatening anyone. Nevertheless, she received a twenty-year jail sentence, which still is continuing to this day with many more years still left on the sentence.

Paradoxically, that same country, Peru,shot down an unarmed missionary plane, killing a young woman missionary and her baby. While that action by the Peruvian military involved overt killing, no one is being brought to trial.

Disgracefully, the United States government has done almost nothing to seek Lori Berenson's release, and at the same timne has done nothing to bring to justice the Peruvian pilot, even though he was being given advice by a companion American plane, supposedly involved in anti-drug activities.

Isn't it strange that our government will do everything possible to obtain the release of reported American spies, from Russia and other countries, but will do nothing to aid a young woman, primarily because she in fact expressed sympathy for guerillas fighting to free their country from oppression and alleviate the poverty of the poor?  


Mumia, as a young man, was a newspaper writer and also a member of the Black Panther Party. In 1981, he had committed no crime previously, and was driving peacefully in the streets of Philadelphia, performing his part-time job as a cab driver.

Suddenly, he saw on a street corner his brother being braced by police. Like most cab drivers in Philadelphia, which had a crime rate, Mumia carried a licensed revolver that he may have brought with him when he jumped out of the cab to try and assist his brother.

Thereafter, events are unclear. One of the officers was shot and killed; Mumia himself was shot in the stomach and nearly died. Reports conflict as to whether the bullet that killed the police officer came from Mumia's gun (the ballistics were apparently damaged).

At this time, after almost thirty years, Mumia remains in prison in Pennsylvania (only just taken off Death Row as recently as January, 2012) for the killing of the officer. He himself seems to be unclear as to what happened after he was shot. There are conflicting reports that two other individuals actually shot the officer, or someone else may have even had a contract out on the officer.

In any event, the circumstances clearly indicate that the shooting of the officer and Mumia occurred spontaneously in a moment where no crime of any kind was being committed by Mumia. At worst, this is a case of manslaughter. It may have been self-defense. Or he may not have been involved in the shooting at all.

While I can sympathize with the family of the dead officer and the family of anyone who is killed, nevertheless, retribution is not just or fair that seeks Mumia's lifetime imprisonment. The circumstances of this case in no way constitute an action of first degree murder.

Thus, after nearly thirty years of jail, Mumia should be freed. There is no need for a re-trial. he has more than served his time.


Leonard was convicted for the killing of two FBI agents on an Indian reservation in South Dakota. The event occurred in 1975. After it occurred, Leonard was extradited from Canada, tried and convicted. The key witness against him was a woman who was reported by the prosecution to be his girlfriend. In fact, Leonard had no relationship with the woman, at all. The woman later acknowledged that she was forced to give false eyewitness testimony, or her child would be taken away from her.

No evidence connected Leonard directly to the killing, and even some authorities admitted that "anyone could have killed them." Nevertheless, to this day, Leonard continues to languish in federal prison with a life sentence.

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