Brothers And Sisters/Companeros Y Companeras,

My autobiography, Walter Pietsch: Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary, is a MUST- READ FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! Why? Not only because it makes very interesting reading, written like I’m sitting down having a cup of coffee across the table from you, but most importantly because THE VISION IT CONTAINS, WHEN IMPLEMENTED WITH YOUR HELP, WILL TRANSFORM OUR COUNTRY INTO A CARING DEMOCRACY, RUN BY THE PEOPLE.

Here’s what some folks are already saying about it and my activism…

STEPHANIE (she is a young woman who works in Dunkin Donuts, Brentwood Road, Brentwood, New York): "Walter, when I read Chapter Eight, I have to tell you it was hotter than Fifty Shades Of Grey! Then, I read the whole book, and I loved it! So, I gave it to my Mom to read. She did, and she loved it! Now, she gave it to my Grandma to read!”

DENISE (Nurse’s Aid, Maria Regina Residence, Brentwood, New York): “Your writing style is so interesting to read. I really like the way you’ll start on a subject, and then sometimes jump to something you want the reader to know about right then and there, just like you’re talking to us!”

DR. JEFFREY LEONARDIS (Board Certified Cardiologist and Internist, Garden City): “Walter, your writing style is fantastic! You really know how to write! Even though I’m conservative in my political views and don’t agree with everything you say, I respect you and what you have done!”

CHARLES FERRARA (Vietnam Veteran who was on a rooftop in Saigon when the Tet Offensive broke out): “As I was walking across the floor while in Winthrop Hospital, Mineola, Long Island, in a bed next to his father, Charles, Sr: Walter, please be careful how you walk; the world needs you!” Charles made this comment before he read my book, but after getting to know me and my views. His brother, Paul, already bought my book.

And on the literary side…

MAXWELL CORYDON WHEAT, JR . (First Poet Laureate, Nassau County, New York): “Walter Pietsch (writes) . . . in a robust, rough-hewned style that keeps the reader fixed on this story. . . Human interest . . . makes this . . . a brilliant read! (The book) is (an) entertaining . . . window into the people of contemporary American history.”

ED ASNER (actor/activist; member, Foundation for Democracy): “. . . a fighter for the right things that occupy our lives and are usually ignored.”

CORA SANTAGUIDA (2012 CT Green Party candidate for Board of Education, Stamford; member, PoemAlley: "Walter Pietsch: Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary was a great experience. Pietsch addresses issues that many would avoid... with courage, know-how and grace. This thoughtful autobiography emanates passion alongside great moments of tenderness. Walter Pietsch's words educate and inspire."

SO FOLKS, WHAT’S IT ABOUT? Love, sex, caring, golf, God, the soul, current events and what’s really going on and what’s wrong with things--and a simple, non-violent vision which, when implemented, will change everything for the better for all of us--except those who are multi-millionaires and billionaires (the 1% ers).

HOW DO I GET IT? Available at $10 a copy (plus $4 shipping), Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary is available below through Paypal.

… And don't forget to explore this blog and the sections on the right to find out more about Walter’s views, activities and relevant current events!

Now Available:

Now Available:

By Walter Pietsch

Walter shares in "Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary" humorous and moving lessons from childhood, military service, the workplace—and the putting green, that have shaped a lifetime commitment to social/political justice. En route to taking three suits against the government for war crimes, Walter recounts his meeting Anita, his wife of thirty years. Now available at $10 per copy in a 390-page updated edition, "Peaceful Revolutionary" details his Program for Expanding Democracy and near-arrest during the Hofstra University presidential debate on Long Island. Please click the button below to order directly.

Program for Expanding Democracy

from Walter Pietsch: Evolution of a Peaceful Revolutionary--Updated 2013 Edition (see "Books by Walter Pietsch")


Phase One: Equal Media Access Constitutional Amendment

I want to have a heart to heart talk with you, the poor and the working people of the United States and the world, especially the “99%ers”, those of you currently occupying Wall Street and Downtown Manhattan.  I also want to talk to your brothers and sisters in other cities and other countries taking similar actions to expose the terrible injustice and hardship wreaked upon us by that enormously wealthy, enormously greedy 1%, who hope to continue enslaving the rest of us.


By implementing the changes I am now proposing, in a Three Phase program, starting with this phase, Phase One. 

In this election year of 2012, we must make THE MAJOR CAMPAIGN ISSUE:  THE EQUAL MEDIA ACCESS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT! That Amendment, which everyone can endorse by signing the National Petition/Referendum, states simply: 

“All candidates for elected public office, able to meet reasonable ballot requirements of the several States, shall be provided equal access to inform the public by the media without regard to financial means.  Reasonable ballot requirements shall be fair and equitable to all; shall not be burdensome, financially or otherwise; shall be non-discriminatory on any basis; and shall not be partial nor favor any political party(s), ideology or belief.” 

To achieve the MUST GOAL of having this Constitutional Amendment adopted, we, the “99%ers”, should form our own political party, not Democratic or Republican, as BOTH major parties have been co-opted and become slaves to the priorities of the criminally greedy and avaricious  “1%ers”, the Super Rich.  We can call this new party: THE ARISE PARTY-or-THE PEOPLES PARTY-or-YOU pick the name! O.K.? O.K.!

Every candidate for the Presidency, regardless of party, must agree to champion and support the “Equal Media Access Constitutional Amendment,” or WE SIMPLY WON’T VOTE FOR HIM/HER!

Every candidate for the Congress, both House and Senate, in this election year, must also agree to champion and support the “Equal Media Access Constitutional Amendment-or-WE SIMPLY WON’T VOTE FOR THEM!

And, since the State Legislatures must ratify every Constitutional Amendment, everyone running for the State Legislature in every State in the Union must also agree to champion and support the Equal Media Access Constitutional Amendment.  If not, again-WE SIMPLY WON’T VOTE FOR THEM!


Phase Two: Employee/Consumer Control Of All Institutions

As every single American should know, and NEVER FORGET, our Declaration of Independence, which historians have described as our “national conscience”, states emphatically and beyond question:  “ALL MEN (PEOPLE) ARE CREATED EQUAL, AND ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.”

Since we are all “CREATED EQUAL”, our forebears eliminated entirely the entire concept of a class known as “the nobility” and all titles of distinction.  And, they also got rid of the European concept of the “Divine Right of Kings”, which ceased to exist – and good riddance – in the new nation they established, our beloved United States of America.

Clearly, then, and beyond question, in the  political sphere WE ARE/AND MUST BE ALL EQUAL!  PERIOD!  Conforming to this mandate, in PHASE ONE we called for the adoption of an EQUAL MEDIA ACCESS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that will, as it should, take the influence of money out of the political process.  AMEN!

It is only natural, and necessary, that now, as we begin PHASE TWO:  EMPLOYEE/CONSUMER CONTROL OF ALL INSTITUTIONS, we expand our democratic rights from the political sphere into every other sphere – economic, social, etc. 

If we truly believe we are all equal, and equally beloved and to be cherished by God and by each other, how can we continue to permit the existence of a “Boss” in any form?  WE CANNOT AND WE MUST NOT!  When I,  Walter Pietsch, the guy writing this material, became a hospital administrator, in charge of Welkind Neurological Hospital in Chester, New Jersey (1970-73), at the time of my appointment I had the right and the power to hire and fire anyone I chose.  In the process of converting Welkind from a nursing home to a long-term care hospital, I created new By-Laws.  These By-Laws eliminated that power, and replaced it with Employee Rights and Consumer Rights Committees, and also mandated that they, the employees and consumers, would have the power TO HIRE AND FIRE ME!  AND THAT IS HOW IT SHOULD BE AND MUST BE – EVERYWHERE!

Everyone of us knows that the people performing the most work – in a hospital, for example, the aides, the orderlies, the housekeepers, the maintenance workers, and yes, the nurses and the doctors – are the ones with the “hands-on” knowledge to run that institution most effectively.  If we need other specialized skills, as in another form of business for example, then we hire an accountant, or a computer systems analyst, or some other specialist to handle certain complex issues.  BUT, WE, THE EMPLOYEES AND CONSUMERS, AFTER RECEIVING APPROPRIATE FEEDBACK AND INFORMATION FROM VARIOUS SPECIALISTS, WILL ULTIMATELY MAKE THE FINAL DECISION. 


Phase Three: The “Dream Dollar”

Contrary to popular myth, the dollar bill many people refer to as the “Almighty Dollar” is NO SUCH THING!  It has no mystical powers or any other special powers at all.  The ONLY reason we carry U.S. dollars around in our pockets is because trying to fit a horse, a cow, or a pig – or a house or a car – in our pockets simply won’t work! 

The dollar is only, purely and simply, a MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE!  NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS!  An economic system that has given it greater value, allowing it to earn profits, dividends, interest, etc. is based on the DELUSION OF SCARCITY! 

Millions of Americans remain currently out of work; whole inner cities are rotting due to massive unemployment.  Buildings and bridges decay; streets, roads and parkways become crumbling nightmares to navigate, while our vehicles underbody is shaken apart due to lack of repair; able-bodied, ready-to-work citizens sit idly by, unable to feed their families; while the resources to REBUILD AMERICA are sitting there, just waiting for us to pick them up and DO THE JOB!  JUST LIKE FDR DID IN THE GREAT DEPRESSION! 

Only this time, it will be different, far different and far better.  For today, as we commence PROJECT REBUILD AMERICA to restore our nation, we no longer need to worry about the “national debt” or any other debt, because that relates to the “old dollars”, most of which are owed to the rich and the super-rich, whose millions and billions of bloated resources – concentrated in the hands of the few, the 1%ers, at the expense of the many, the 99%ers (we, the American people) – will soon cease to exist and become irrelevant. 

Any individual with a net worth over three million dollars, or any family with a net worth of over five million dollars – will be considered to be “super-rich”, and a 1%er, and that excess wealth will be restored to the national treasury, soon to be converted to “Dream Dollars.”

As our Government begins to print the new “Dream Dollar”, it will be backed by and represent only one thing – A UNIT OF WORK!  We will decide, together, whether the “Dream Dollar” should represent one hour of work, or ten minutes of work, or whatever we agree is fair and equitable.  NO ONE’S WORK WILL BE WORTH MORE THAN TWICE ANY OTHER PERSON’S WORK, BECAUSE WE ARE ALL GOD’S CHILDREN, AND ALL EQUALLY PRECIOUS!

The “Dream Dollar”, as its name implies, will bear, on its front, the visage of the beloved:  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..  Above his picture will be the caption:  WE HAVE A DREAM!  And below his picture will be the words:  WE SHALL OVERCOME!  On  the back of the “Dream Dollar” will be a picture of Dr. King’s four little young children, and alongside of it will be another picture of four other children – of various races – reflecting Dr. King’s vision of all our children sitting down “at the table of brotherhood.” 

Something new:  Each new “Dream Dollar” will bear its own serial number and will have its own history, based on the purposes for which it is used, so that IT CAN’T BE DUPLICATED!  Further details will follow.  DREAM DOLLARS MUST BE PUT INTO CIRCULATION IMMEDIATELY – TO END OUR NATIONAL DEPRESSION AND RESTORE HOPE TO AMERICA!  If anything has been omitted, I’m sure you, the people, will add further details.

PREPARED BY:  ARISE, P.O. BOX 10057, WESTBURY, NY 11590;  PHONE:  (516) 456-1916

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